Services I Offer
Your "FREE Discovery Call" call lasts between 30 and 45 minutes and is a great introduction to what an "Emotional Healing Technique" Session is and what an Energy Therapist and Interpreter can do for you.
Whether you want to gain insight/clarity on your personal spiritual development, enhance your business performance, take your energy and vitality to the next level, improve your personal or professional relationships, be a better person, parent, or partner, a variety of different elements can be worked on.
Some people book these sessions to simply turbo-charge their lives from time to time.

Psychic Medium
$ 60.00 (30 mts) or
$ 85.00 (60mts)
​A Psychic/Medium/Channelling session can be an excellent way to gain some perspective on your own life. You are able to get an overview of a particular situation, set of conditions, or general life patterns.
Sessions help my clients identify what is interfering with their personal lives, their success, and what they can do about it.
During difficult and stressful events intuitive insight can help to guide you from struggling in the chaos and help you discover a path back to peace and harmony.​
​​​$60.00 (30 minute session)
​$85.00 (60 minute session)

Time-Line Therapy
$ 85.00 (60 mts)
Time-line Therapy is a powerful technique to help clients let go of past negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and chronic pain, in order to help you live a happier, and more fulfilling life.
Some of the possibilities include Improving personal and professional relationships, becoming a better parent, better partner and raise your energy field.
Included with the session is an MP3 audio recording that includes the details of your session for your personal review.
$85.00 (60 mts)

Quantum Healing
$125.00 (60 mts)
This has become one of my most popular services, with clients from near and far scheduling sessions.
During this special channeled service, I am able to see, feel, and hear in the Quantum Field. Here, with the help and guidance of both my Spiritual Team and yours, I can observe any blocks or disruptions that have manifested in your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
Bring your questions and your spiritual team will be available with the answers.
$125.00 (60 mts)​

Now is the perfect time to schedule Your FREE "Discovery Call" to decide
"How I Can Best Serve You!".
Together - Let's Make Today & Tomorrow Awesome...