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If It’s Too late to get a new Family – Then it Must Be Time to Heal the Triggers of Holiday Stress

Writer's picture: Donna SchmidDonna Schmid

Updated: May 10, 2024

Ok, are you sitting down? This is uncomfortable, but I recently joined a 5-day challenge and today’s challenge is to share something amazing about myself! *SCREAM* (Don’t panic – I just had to let out some FREAKY SOUND.)

I usually don’t share what’s amazing about me because I’m more interested in learning about what’s amazing about other people.

But here it goes… did you know that I had a near-death experience during the birth of my first child? The experience was so profound, I couldn’t talk about it for years – I thought people would think I was KRAZY and, in fact, I thought I was KRAZY!

This experience jolted me on a life-long spiritual journey that included an actual Shamanic Quest where I sat on top of a mountain for 3 days and 3 nights in a 30-foot circle with only 3 gallons of water. Oh, did I mention the wild critters that visited? (Deer; Owl; Dragonfly; mountain lion; biting ants; blood thirsty mosquitoes; AND, a skunk) I have a whole 3 day experience with that stinky Skunk!

These experiences unveiled and strengthened my extra-sensory abilities that now play a role as an Energy Therapist. I’d love to hear something amazing about you too in the comments below! Because I want to live in a world where people know that they’re amazing and aren’t afraid to share it.

This is actually why 23 years ago, I decided to become a Medical Massage Therapist and transition all of my work and experiences to serve as an Energy Therapist for Empaths, Intuitives and Holistic Practitioners.

I LOVE helping my clients go from feeling stuck and limited by their life situation to maintaining a positive outlook, experience an inner sense of peace so they can enjoy all that life has to offer.

And, I’m feeling called to help a whole new wave of people. Will you hold this vision for me? I am offering an inspiring way to stress less this holiday season not only for my clients but for anyone that is feeling the “crunch of the season”. So…If It’s Too late to get a new Family – Then it Must Be Time to Heal the Triggers of Holiday Stress, a Discovery Consultation offered as a gift to you and someone you truly care about.

I have room in my schedule for 5 new sessions, so if you know someone who has been struggling with how to say “NO” to family and not feel GUILTY and would rather experience an amazing release of the emotional, stagnant energy that accompanies holiday STRESS, will you share this post with them? It could very well put the “Merry” back in their Holidays! Thank you! You truly are Amazing! #JustsayNO #MerryChristmas #Thrivein5 #HolisticPractitioners #EmpathPower #EnergyTherapist

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